The following operations are supported. For a formal definition, please review the Service Description.
Returns Legislation Data for a given Database, CAP ID, specification date, term, and milege. Database should be entered as CAR. The SelectedOptions field is comma delimited, Term should be entered in months (12-60) and be rounded to nearest 6, and Mileage should be entered in full rounded to 10000. Enter a comma delimited list of legislation fields to return out of the following options: ALL, P11D, C02, BIKTAXRATE, BIK20, BIK40, VED1ST (1st year VED), VED2ND (Subsequent VED), NICLASS1A_YR1RATE, NICLASS1A_YR1COST, NICLASS1A_YR2RATE, NICLASS1A_YR2COST, NICLASS1A_YR3RATE, NICLASS1A_YR3COST, NICLASS1A_YR4RATE, NICLASS1A_YR4COST, NICLASS1A_YR5RATE, NICLASS1A_YR5COST, WLC, SMR, DEPRECIATION, RV, FUELCOST, PPM.